Saturday, September 5, 2009

Death of Sunflower

Today I lost one of my pets a hen named Sunflower.My family owns several pets,parakeets,fishes,and two hens Marigold and Sunflower.We found Sunflower today dead.We believe a rodent attacked her as we have seen an increase in them since a nearby property was cleared down and a building went up.

I never thought I would become so attached to the birds but through caring for them I had grown to love them.Their interaction always fascinated me.Now Marigold went up on the perch and had to be forced to come down.We have taken steps to eliminate the rodents but we will miss Sunflower a real "scaredy chicken".She will be missed!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Another conspiracy

Call me a conspiracy theorist but just not long ago President Obama visited and left Mexico and all of a sudden bammmmmm! Swine flu! A convenient distraction from the financial woes of the world.Another element in governments tactics of fear and media manipulation.Sad.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Why most people are idiots pt 2

Most people are showing their idiocy in these so called tough economic times.I sympathize with those who have lost their jobs or homes to a certain extent ( some people were not qualify in the first place).The bemoaning of hard times by most folks is becoming annoying.There are those out there who because they can't get their latte from their exclusive overpriced coffee shops are weeping about hard times.Families who can't afford to go out to restaurants as often as they could, they are crying hard times.Bankers have problems so the whole world suppose to have problems.

My friends hard times is waking up to the sound of gunfire and bombs falling.Hard times is having to flee your home and becoming a refugee living in squalor.Hard times isn't having money for food but not having food period.Those are just some examples of hard times.As my mother always say," you think you have it hard, check down the road".

These are not hard times these are times when most of us just need to prioritize and focus on what is important.The market is correcting itself.Greed has exposed so many.Time to stop living of others wealth and become more industrious and do some work.Time to stop being idiots!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why most people are idiots and the Somalian piracy!

Most people are idiots because they hold too dear the idea of individualism and the belief in self.The great thing about being an individual in a society is that through collectivism we foster the proper functioning of any place of cohabitation.Different individuals with different traits, character, cultural background coming together to accomplished one common goal.That goal is to create a tolerable environment where one can live.

Folks nowadays have their own individual goals and ideals that do not complement the advancement of the human race.Everyone pulling in so many different directions.Then at the end of it all feeling unwanted and not being a part of anything.If there was more faith ,for the most part,in each other and the idea of perfecting our daily lives for the betterment of all, then more people will have a sense of wholeness.

This brings now the correlation of that idea and the Somalian pirate threat.If you are one to keep up with worldwide news you have heard about the acts of piracy of the coast of the African country of Somalia.Basically local fisherman have banded with militants and other local entities and have formed rather industrious ( many may beg to differ) infamous trade of hijacking ships.Different individuals with one common goal,that is to collect ransom.

The international community in the meantime seem helpless or inept to stop this scourge.While individual millitaries have been successful in killing and capturing some of the pirates,they ,the pirates, continue on in their treacherous trade.The whole world is sitting back and watching and many have begun to question the actual necessity for established government and authorities.

The biggest problem is the individualism.Each country is only interested in protecting their interest and citizens.This threat is actually a blight on international trade and like America made the whole world believe about Islamic fanaticism, a threat to the world.If the pirates continue to have some degree of success in Somalia it is almost definite that other areas where naval trade is a necessity,will have their own brands of piracy.

The nations involve with their different geo-political ideologies must come on one accord. Whether it be changing international laws which govern the sea or attacking the the problem with the ferocity as terrorism ,solutions must be formed and implemented.All countries involve must have the common goal of eliminated this threat and adapting to each circumstance.

It is only left to time to see how the world will respond.In the meantime I might try find me a wooden leg and eye patch.Who knows their might be another career for me .Arggggggh me mateys!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You big dummy!

Sanford and Son was the greatest television show ever.For those of you who just came to Earth from Pluto, this was a show about a black junk/antique dealer played by Redd Foxx and his son Lamont played by Demond Wilson.The show was centered around the father, Fred G.Sanford and his schemes and plots to get rich or enhance his junk "empire".

What made the show so great that it showed the comedic side of black people without having their eyes bulging or lips thickened.Sanford quick wit,hair brain schemes and supporting cast was something to look forward to weekly.Unlike today's shows which are just conversations taped for small screen.

Sanford was able to say a lot of things we wanted to say and every black family has someone like Sanford.A relative who always has a get rich quick plan and/or a saucy tongue.Redd Foxx's timing was impeccable and if one looked closely one could almost see the improvisations ,almost.

Demond Wilson character, Lamont was the perfect complement.Level headed compared to his father's stubbornness.The fact that he cared about his father who had raised him by himself after his mother died ,added a level of reality that some could relate to.Every other cast member added another level to the show that caused the show to be one of ,if not the greatest show ever aired.For five of the six years it aired (1971-1977) ,it ranked in the top ten.

What made it so special for me is that it was one of the shows I watched with my paternal Grandparents.Growing up I spent a great amount of time by my Grandparents and the local tv station had pick up its syndication.Like the original show it was aired on Friday nights at 8pm.I can fondly remember the Friday nights my Grandparents and I would be in their bedroom huddled around the black and white RCA and laughing our heads off.The hard coarse laughter of my Grandfather made me even laugh harder.Good Times.

Like Redd Foxx my Grandfather has passed on now.I know they are both looking down at me.I am pouring out a drink for them both ,some Ripple with a splash of Cola I call it a Cripple.Only true Sanfordnites would get that one.You big dummy!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whats the deal with Bill Maher

What is the deal with Bill Maher the so called social and political commentator.While so many are wooed by his antics, I find him neither humorous or insightful.He reminds me of when you are sitting around having a"doobie" with some friends and the one guy who ruins your high by talking a whole lot of nonsensical bullshit.

He constantly contradicts himself and is always apologizing.A real wishy washy guy. Speaking without thinking sounds like Tourette Syndrome.Bill needs to put down the bong and cease his ramblings which he tries to pass of as a monologue.

Thank God for freedom of speech (yes I do believe in God and I have no need to apologize) while he may be free to speak, I am free not to listen.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Guess who is back!I am back seeking applicants for my new revolutionary army.I have finally decided to become a strongman.Yes folks with so much going on in the world recession,depression and all the such I have decided to add another "ssion", aggression.It is time for me to start my global expansion/domination.

It is quite simple all applicants must be just like me i.e., tired of lame ass leaders with their balls in world corporations' pockets making dumb decisions for me.While I am glad to see a black man become president of the most powerful country in the world I am disappoint that he is hell bent on bailing out greedy vipers.

When the boat is sinking if you cant swim then you drown! Also applicants must be able to handle various form of firearms.Pen and paper particular.Applicants must be able to write scorching and flaming reproaches about dark hearted CEOs the equivalent of being hung in the public square ( shootings are reserved for warriors).

Applicants must also be ready to split up the bounty fairly but first must ensure that the " lil man " get his share.Applicants who vile the world economic systems will be serious considered.

So if you think you can stomach some bloodshed and a little character assassination then this job is for you.Send resume to

Gibson Revolutionary Army
P.O. BOX 0000
Death to Traitors Lane
or apply by email to
Looking forward to replies.

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008