Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sex and Religon

According to the Bible when Adam and Eve,deceived by the serpent,had eaten of the fruit from the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil their eyes were opened and they covered themselves.

It is interesting that the first information for them that was processed was that which dealt with their sexuality ie their nakedness.In most variants of the Judeo-Christian religion and most religions, what you cannot and can do hinges on the way you cannot or can control your sexual desire.

I am putting forth to you that the Knowledge that Adam and Eve received was in direct relation to the fact of how they were to become complete again before God through sex.Instead of them waiting for God the Creator to show them, by eating the fruit they saw it through their own eyes.Love became lust.The intertwining of man and woman which is a reflection of the completeness of God was now viewed through human eyes.

Sex, a major part of human psyche, has been over time used to stimulate human beings to performed desired action.It is said SEX SELLS.Sex not only sells but controls.The images,connotations,doctrines etc. of/on sex is used to direct our belief system in a desired path.Corporations,religious,political and civic leaders use the powerful tool of sex to control the masses.

The power of persuasion is rooted in the fact of how magnetic the persuader can be.How can he/she draw people to them to follow them.Magnetism has to do with attraction or repulsion so does sex or sexiness.Can one attract a suitable mate.If one cannot the chances to procreate or fulfill sexual desires is slim to none (repulsion).

In the field of religion if you can control the way people respond to sexual impetus then you can indoctrinate them.Men have been told that if they blew themselves up they would receive virgins in the afterlife.What other reasons would you want virgins but to deflower them.You cannot fulfill your sexual desires on earth but you can in heaven.If you can redirect sexual desire,which is so powerful in human beings, you can direct human actions or reactions.

Purity is sexual chastity.If you become chastened then you can become a conqueror.True or not one cannot deny that sex and religion are intertwined,joined at the hip.One seems not to coexist without the other.

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008