Most people are idiots because they hold too dear the idea of individualism and the belief in self.The great thing about being an individual in a society is that through collectivism we foster the proper functioning of any place of cohabitation.Different individuals with different traits, character, cultural background coming together to accomplished one common goal.That goal is to create a tolerable environment where one can live.
Folks nowadays have their own individual goals and ideals that do not complement the advancement of the human race.Everyone pulling in so many different directions.Then at the end of it all feeling unwanted and not being a part of anything.If there was more faith ,for the most part,in each other and the idea of perfecting our daily lives for the betterment of all, then more people will have a sense of wholeness.
This brings now the correlation of that idea and the Somalian pirate threat.If you are one to keep up with worldwide news you have heard about the acts of piracy of the coast of the African country of Somalia.Basically local fisherman have banded with militants and other local entities and have formed rather industrious ( many may beg to differ) infamous trade of hijacking ships.Different individuals with one common goal,that is to collect ransom.
The international community in the meantime seem helpless or inept to stop this scourge.While individual millitaries have been successful in killing and capturing some of the pirates,they ,the pirates, continue on in their treacherous trade.The whole world is sitting back and watching and many have begun to question the actual necessity for established government and authorities.
The biggest problem is the individualism.Each country is only interested in protecting their interest and citizens.This threat is actually a blight on international trade and like America made the whole world believe about Islamic fanaticism, a threat to the world.If the pirates continue to have some degree of success in Somalia it is almost definite that other areas where naval trade is a necessity,will have their own brands of piracy.
The nations involve with their different geo-political ideologies must come on one accord. Whether it be changing international laws which govern the sea or attacking the the problem with the ferocity as terrorism ,solutions must be formed and implemented.All countries involve must have the common goal of eliminated this threat and adapting to each circumstance.
It is only left to time to see how the world will respond.In the meantime I might try find me a wooden leg and eye patch.Who knows their might be another career for me .Arggggggh me mateys!