Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Most of us have some job or another which consumes at least 8 hours of our day.Some of us are fortunate enough to actually like what we do and our occupation is a part of us that we cherish.On the other hand some of us despise our 9 to 5 and it is only a means to pay bills.

What is a "job"? One definition of a job is, a regular activity performed in exchange for payment, a trade or occupation.If this is the case why is it companies want to make you believe that it is more than that?Of course profits drive most companies to get the most activity out its employees for the least amount of payment that they can get away with.So it would serve an employee well to get the most amount of payment for the least amount of work. A balance must be struck between employer and employee.

Most occupations only need you for a time i.e. until a contracted task has been accomplished or until your time of retirement.The employer gets what they need.It should only stand to reason that an employee gets what he needs.Sadly though too many persons have put all their energy,time and focus into an employer's bottom line while neglecting theirs.Upon disengagement these person fell hurt of betrayed because everyone always believe that they should be handled with kid's gloves because of their service.

The sooner you realize that a job is only an exchange,the better your occupational experience will become.They get what they need and you get what you need. A job is only a means for you to secure the necessities of life which are taking care of your family,yourself and render under the governments what is theirs ( the filthy bastards).No more no less.A job isn't my family ,I have one of those at homes.Co-workers need not be friends although it helps in the cohesion of a working environment.Your boss doesn't even have to like you personally but make sure you are doing what you are paid to do.If I am under a supervisor it isn't my job to find work,no need I do his and my job.

All said and done their is no real glory in being an "office rat", so expect none.Be ruthless in your pursuit for your ability to expand your financial bottom line.Never invest all of yourself into someone else's quota.Give what is required and take what is needed.

Glory is reserved for the battlefield,payment is preferred in the office space.


Ak-Man said...

"So it would serve an employee well to get the most amount of payment for the least amount of work."

That's me helping to balance out the system : )

We're all doing our part.

This post has inspired me, I'm gonna work on a post titled:

"Ak-Man's Top 5 Reasons To Get A Job"

Eugene D. Gibson said...

Glad to be an inspiration.I know you will have an entertaining insight!

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance, GlobalIssues.org, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008