Tuesday, October 2, 2007

View of Islam

Recently I have been reading articles that suggest Islam is a religion of terror.Extremist and the media have now made a once noble religion into one of intolerance and radicalism.As usually there is always two sides of a story.

A little history lesson.When Europe was experiencing the so called "Dark Ages" ,Islamic and Asian kingdoms where in there "Golden Ages".Places such as Cairo,Baghdad,Damascus,Timbuktu,where centers for science,technology and mathematics.European nobility often sent their offspring to Arabic institutions in places like Cordoba,the capital of Muslim Spain.It can almost be deduced that such events aided into Europe being ushered into the Renaissance Period.Arabic architecture can be seen throughout Europe and the very concept of college is an Islamic one.

As usual the vain ideals of men have lay ruined another great civilization.The spread of terror through religion is not a unique concept.Christendom during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition,used torture,murder and war to conquer and spread their beliefs.They were not spreading the message of Christ but rather expanding their territories and solidifying their power base.Islamic extremists have resort to the same kinds of acts to highlight their cause.

Men such as Mahmoud Ahamaddinejad because of their sect's interpretation of the Koran are seen as madmen and idiots when in fact he has a PhD. in transportation engineering and a Master of Science in civil engineering.Religious fervor overcomes intelligence.The Arabic word "jihad" an idiomatic expression which means "to struggle in the way of God" now means "Holy War".War is never holy.The radical beliefs have overshadowed the holy tenets of the religion and more and more people are becoming converts ,in my belief, attracted to the fanaticism.

Individuals throughout the Ages have used religion,not to enlighten but to enslave the hearts and minds of men and women.Faith is not about honoring an unforeseen God through your lifestyle. It is now about imposing man made doctrines on others through unholy means.

The image of God has become sodden because of the selfish means and hateful motives of religious carpetbaggers.It pleases me to know that God is not like man.And one day He will be revealed for the whole world to see in all His splendor and His Glory.

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Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance, GlobalIssues.org, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008