Friday, September 28, 2007


Is it ever too late to change?Change your attitude,daily routine, your way of thinking.If you believe that you are an ever evolving person with the aim to reach your highest potential,then no it is never too late to change.

One step at a time.One action at a time.You must try to remove those things from your life, from your psyche that limit your progress.Knowing what they are,eliminating them and make a turn around.

As always it is up to you.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Understanding women!

One of the most difficult thing for a man to do is understand women!We have sent astronauts to the far reaches of outer space,formulated scientific theories,invent amazing machines but knowledge of the female species eludes us.

From a Biblical point of view I have found out why men can't figure out women.When God was in his creating mode ,He made the earth and heavens.Next He created man and all living things.He even gave man the privilege of naming the animals thus man had an intimate knowledge of them.

But when he decided that man needed a helpmate,he put man into a deep sleep,took one of his rib,closed up the flesh and created woman.This time God chose to name His creation.While man was wide awake when all the other creatures where formed, he was fast asleep when God created women.He wasn't "given" the intimate knowledge of women ,he had to find that out for himself.

Women are beings that are a sweet mystery.But God ensured that man would not be complete without them.He could have made them from the dust like he made man but he chose to take a part of man and create his helpmate.The harmonic union of man and woman in any form , to me shows ,the completeness that is God.After all we were made in his image.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


In the US ,the strike that the United Auto Workers union (UAW) held against the auto company, General Motors has come to an end.A contract between the two groups has been proposed and awaits ratification.The deal includes a health care trust fund which takes care of retirees.

Health care always seems to be a hot button topic wherever you go.Here in the Bahamas much has been debated over a national health care plan. The pros and cons have been weighed and the jury is still out.My question is when did the health of a nation's citizens become so expensive?

A strong and vibrant country should have healthy citizens.Why have governments allowed greedy doctors,health care facilities,insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies to profit over people's illness and death.The immeasurable value of the human element has been reduced to nothing as governments have allowed these entities to hold nations at hostage.

Terrorists with needles and pills.Profiting of human death and misery.Medicine was once a noble profession.The healers of men.Now they are just a bunch of money grubbing,golf playing, know it all, whose only concern is their reputation and status ,never their patients.

Health care should never be an issue or something for politicians to play with and prick your ears with around election time. Health care should be affordable for everyone or in some cases free.It is the duty of any government to ensure the wellness and security of its people.In a democratic society we keep forgetting that we are the government.We should demand and expect more.

In the western world which boasts of prosperity and freedom,people should not be dying and suffering because of poor health care.We really need to analyze ourselves and ask the question; "How civilize are we really?"

Monday, September 24, 2007

Back to theory!

Man is made up of such a complex system ,why could it not be believable that the simple came from the complex rather than the reverse.It seems almost impossible that something came from nothing.Light comes from darkness.Thus something must be present.Life could not have just appeared.Ask yourself why?Why would life just appear?What reason?What purpose?

Science is described as the state of knowing.To not know the origin of something is not scientific.Darwin theory cannot be scientific if in fact the origin of his thesis is not known.Life had to had some start.Complexity cannot come about through randomness.Random acts are just that, random.Simplistic in all aspects.

But if an origin is know then a final destination can be determined.Man being created from a superior force is more scientific and makes more sense.Every other species evolve or rather transformed from the overall system that is man!

Makes more sense to me!

Here we go again!

Once again the US is issuing so much rhetoric over Iran and we are now hearing the whispers of war.You would think the media would have learned after Iraq and refuse to fuel the angst between the two nations. It seems two madmen flexing their muscles at the expense of millions of lives.Th US forces are already spread thin between Iraq and the forgotten Afghanistan.Why would you want to stretch it further?Maybe the leaders of Washington need to sit down and reread Sun Tzu "The Art of War" and reevaluate their objective and strategy.What they are doing goes against all military strategy.A recipe for defeat.

Truly Madness!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A start

The hardest part about accomplishing a task is to start.The start is often harder than the actual task itself.Once you build up the motivation to begin, the rest comes easier.Even though challenges may arise,starting is usually the biggest obstacle.

To live your life without never trying is a dismal life indeed!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a thought!

Sitting up last night I had a thought!I am not a firm believer in evolution. I am rooted in creationism.My thought on creation differs from other believers ( that is another topic).Suppose Darwin's concept was correct but his theory itself had a major flaw.Now I don't have any clear cut evidence this is just a hypothesis,something to think about.Darwin's theory of species evolving,maybe true but he may have had the order wrong.What if animals evolved from man!

Man being the original species and everything thereafter.In my finite thinking this would eliminate the need to find a missing link.

Just a thought!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dreams into reality

Everyday do one thing that turns your dreams into reality! Whatever it may be no matter how small just do it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hoping for more!

If you sit back and do not wish ,hope and plan for more success in your life ,how will you get it?I am not one to believe in all that metaphysical paranormal hocus pocus,but I have discovered something, if you believe that something will happen most of the time it will.God spoke the world into existence and if we are made in His likeness and image why can't we do the same?

A strange thing, rather an abnormal thing is happening to me in the last few days.I have thought about people I haven't seen in awhile and then later I actually meet them.I believe that is how powerful our mind and our connection with others is.If we could only harness our mind for positive things instead of living in fear and leading our beings into negative fields we would be a happier, more accomplished lot.

No matter what I am going to believe that the impossible can happen and dream the unthinkable.I guess that is what they call faith huh?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Winner !

Opposition leader Ernest Koroma has been declared the winner in Sierra Leone's presidential election.Now the real work begins!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Giving up for change

I have decided that some things I thought were pleasurable and essential are not worth the long term effects.Some things are just not made for you.We must analyze the things we want in life against what we really need.The problem is a lot of us cannot distinguish our needs from our wants.I have decided to do my best to live without these things.I rather give up personal short term freedom for a long lasting sound lifestyle.Life can get complicated because we add and do things that are not necessary.A simple life is good indeed.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone

The Opposition leader, Ernest Bai Koroma, leads the presidential runoff with half of the votes being counted.Under allegations of fraud from both parties, Koroma of the All People's Congress (APC) is ahead with 58.5% while Vice President Solomon Berewa of the ruling Sierra Leone People's party has (SLPP) has 41.5%.

With tension still building let us all pray that things continue to go well!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Patriot Act

From American football,the New England Patriots dubbed "America's team", has been suspected of cheating by the NFL.Apparently a video recording was found and confiscated of someone filming on the sidelines of The New York Jets on Sunday during their match with the Patriots. The person who filmed it is believed to associated with the Patriots. It is alleged that the filming was of the New York Jets defensive calls.Such acts are prohibited in the NFL.

No wonder they were Superbowl Champs three out of four years.They were possibly cheating.If this is America's team then what does this say about America?Let us see if the NFL will further investigate.

I see a conspiracy theory in the making!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


A moment of silence!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone's elections

All is calm as the recount continues!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Live is about taking chances and involves many risks.What would life be like without surprises.Things that are out of your normal routine,situations you are unprepared for.When such events occur you have two options .You can either shrink away or you can face the challenges head on.

Preparation for life's challenges involve one philosophy.At any given moment be willing to take chances.Many people feel unfulfilled in their relationships,jobs, generally in the direction that their life is going.When presented with opportunities to change their paths most of us choose not to.Most times the path to change involves moving from a comfort zone to uncharted territory.We become set in our discontentment and are fearful to take risks.Granted not all risks are worthwhile.Foolhardiness should be avoided but there is a level of risk ,when taken only improves our life and heads us closer to our full potential.

Fear not in times like these.Grab the bull by the horns and ride it toward success!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Feeling overwhelmed!

At time things can feel overwhelming.Your relationships,your work,your finances.It is good sometimes, to take a step back and take physical and mental deep breaths and try your best to think things through.When we are feeling bombarded with the pressures of life,we tend to make hasty and poor decisions which further plunge our lives into chaos.

Some questions you need to stop and ask yourself.Am I really doing everything possible to take full advantage of opportunities that present themselves?How will this affect me in the long term.?Am I prepared for the end results?What do I need to do or not to do in order for favorable results?Questions such as those you need not only to ask but honestly answer.Strip yourself bare and do not be coy.You can lie to others but never to yourself.

All of us are faced with situations which can cause tension and worry in our lives.It is how we deal with these situations that can either make us move to change for the positive or we sit and stew and allow things to impact our lives negatively.Only you can decide.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Update on Senator Larry Craig

The U.S. Senator from Idaho,Larry Craig who had announced his resignation over the sex scandal may not resign.He has hired a high powered lawyers to fight the charges because he said he thought he was pleading guilty to a misdemeanor.

The White House has made a statement saying that the situation was disappointing and his colleagues such as Republican senator John McCain said that he should resign.

I am not an American law expert.I am thinking though, if you plead guilty to a charge it is almost impossible to fight the case and get favourable results.Also he has announced that he will resign at the end of September.Politicians think it is their right to speak with forked tongues but hey ....come on.

You have to admit though Senator Craig is one tough old broad, fighting to the very end.!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Celebrating manhood!

I love being a man.I love sports ,beer and scantily clad women.When the rest of the world says I should cut off my penis and gorge out my testicles I say hell no!I don't want to get in touch with my feelings I like being rational and analytical.Testosterone was given to me for a purpose why shun it.I love the fact that in the Judeo-Christian world I have been given dominion over all things.Isn't that great.I am the boss!

I love the fact that feminists despise me and every "butch" lesbian want to be me.Being a black man I like the fact that I am the most imitated yet feared species on the planet.The fact that just a stare can make a woman uncomfortable gives me a sly pleasure.Guess who decides the sex of a child?Me, even if I don't take care of them ( it isn't right but hey its a fact).In order for a female to be considered strong she has to do what.......... act like a man.

As a man I am the symbol for strength and virility.My decisions and actions affect the entire world.The way I deal with my children can set their lives forever.What power!With this power though comes great responsibility.And I love the challenge!The traditional bread winner is what they call me.A hunter- gatherer.El hombre!

To all the men out there ,embrace the fact of being a man.You are going to get praises and condemnations for being who you are anyway!So be what God as made you to be .A no asking directions,never put the toilet seat down,sports loving,women ogling,alcohol consuming,conflict starting,glass ceiling creating,...... man!

Ever since I was a little boy I couldn't wait to become to man.I 'd be damn if I let anyway take away this pleasure!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone's elections

It appears that the wait for the run off election is not going smoothly in Sierra Leone.Clashes between rival party supporters have been reported and tension mounts as Sept 8 ,the date for the run off, approaches.The party leaders urged citizens to remain calm and the government has threatened to implement a state of emergency.

For the sake of peace in the region let us all pray that things do not escalate into total chaos.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rule of Law

The other day a friend of mine and myself was having a healthy argument about capital punishment,a polarizing topic .What was interesting was an exchange that we had.He was going on about how much faith he had in the law.My response was that you shouldn't put all your faith in the law because of its flaws.His reply was without the law what do we have?

Judging from his demeanour, I could tell he had stumped many opponents with this question.Without sounding haughty,it did not take long for me to answer him.Without rehearsal I answered "the morality of men".

Call me an idealist or a hopeless romantic but I believe that it is the morality of men,right and good conduct of men,that prevents the world from plunging into total chaos.

The law punishes crime.Isn't it much better to prevent a violation against mankind through good conduct?Morality stems form the inherent quality of love that exists in each and every man and woman.Some of us allow it to flourish while others quench it.

Let us not forget that it was through laws, segregation thrived in the southern United States and apartheid bloomed in South Africa.It was laws that aided Nazi Germany to dehumanize Jews.

It was not until men and women, inflamed with morality,fought against these evils.They opened the eyes of the world to these injustices. These pillars of degradation would have been intact if they had not stood up.

For every wrongdoing there is a punishment.I believe that.The law actually works after an offense.It should be more divine to prevent acts against humanity through our own moral gauges.

The law will not save us. It is the goodness of men that must be increased in order for us all to survive.A quote attributed to Edmund Burke says,"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."Something to think on and digest in these trying times.

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008