Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hoping for more!

If you sit back and do not wish ,hope and plan for more success in your life ,how will you get it?I am not one to believe in all that metaphysical paranormal hocus pocus,but I have discovered something, if you believe that something will happen most of the time it will.God spoke the world into existence and if we are made in His likeness and image why can't we do the same?

A strange thing, rather an abnormal thing is happening to me in the last few days.I have thought about people I haven't seen in awhile and then later I actually meet them.I believe that is how powerful our mind and our connection with others is.If we could only harness our mind for positive things instead of living in fear and leading our beings into negative fields we would be a happier, more accomplished lot.

No matter what I am going to believe that the impossible can happen and dream the unthinkable.I guess that is what they call faith huh?

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Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance, GlobalIssues.org, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008