Wednesday, September 26, 2007


In the US ,the strike that the United Auto Workers union (UAW) held against the auto company, General Motors has come to an end.A contract between the two groups has been proposed and awaits ratification.The deal includes a health care trust fund which takes care of retirees.

Health care always seems to be a hot button topic wherever you go.Here in the Bahamas much has been debated over a national health care plan. The pros and cons have been weighed and the jury is still out.My question is when did the health of a nation's citizens become so expensive?

A strong and vibrant country should have healthy citizens.Why have governments allowed greedy doctors,health care facilities,insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies to profit over people's illness and death.The immeasurable value of the human element has been reduced to nothing as governments have allowed these entities to hold nations at hostage.

Terrorists with needles and pills.Profiting of human death and misery.Medicine was once a noble profession.The healers of men.Now they are just a bunch of money grubbing,golf playing, know it all, whose only concern is their reputation and status ,never their patients.

Health care should never be an issue or something for politicians to play with and prick your ears with around election time. Health care should be affordable for everyone or in some cases free.It is the duty of any government to ensure the wellness and security of its people.In a democratic society we keep forgetting that we are the government.We should demand and expect more.

In the western world which boasts of prosperity and freedom,people should not be dying and suffering because of poor health care.We really need to analyze ourselves and ask the question; "How civilize are we really?"

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Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008