Monday, September 24, 2007

Back to theory!

Man is made up of such a complex system ,why could it not be believable that the simple came from the complex rather than the reverse.It seems almost impossible that something came from nothing.Light comes from darkness.Thus something must be present.Life could not have just appeared.Ask yourself why?Why would life just appear?What reason?What purpose?

Science is described as the state of knowing.To not know the origin of something is not scientific.Darwin theory cannot be scientific if in fact the origin of his thesis is not known.Life had to had some start.Complexity cannot come about through randomness.Random acts are just that, random.Simplistic in all aspects.

But if an origin is know then a final destination can be determined.Man being created from a superior force is more scientific and makes more sense.Every other species evolve or rather transformed from the overall system that is man!

Makes more sense to me!

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Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008