Phones and hand jobs!
This week iPhone will be launched by Apple.It says to be the next innovative thing and its coming has been heralded like the coming of Christ. Apple is gaining ever so much on the evil Republic of technology i.e. Microsoft, and that is a good sign.
But there is something to be said about phone technology and how consumers are fascinated with this.It seems the cellphone business is one that is ever changing like its big brother the computer. Folks will line up a mile away and empty their life savings to be on the cutting edge.
I'm not hating on the cellphone makers,( I wish I had a business model like that),but I tend to only use a cellphone to make and receive calls.Texting is neat and beyond that I see no other need for all those features.Why would I want to browse the web on such a small screen to worsen my eyesight?All that fancy schmancy, stuff music and this and that with its crappy sound and stuff who needs it.
I am not anti technology but I believe that some tech's purpose is not to advance mankind but to advance a company's bottom line.No useful and practical purpose whatsoever.The cellphone jive is one of them.$500-$600 for a phone, now that's a high price hand job. Most of the time all you have to do is wait a month or two and the price becomes reasonable.
Besides my country's phone system can only handle so much and any Bahamian who would buy one would be a complete idiot and a phony( no pun intended) in my book.But hey,everyone has a right to be an idiot.So as you get your iPhone and you stroke it with your fingertips.Its vibration and sophisticated "bells and whistles" whip you into an orgasmic euphoria.Its smooth sleek design arouses all of your senses.Give me a call and please don't call collect!