Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Promised help for Africa!

One conclusion about the G8 summit that I am excited about ,is the promise from the most powerful nations in the world to allocate $60 billion to fight AIDS,malaria and tuberculosis in Africa.These diseases have ravaged the sub region of the continent and being of Afro descent this is welcomed news.

I applaud this effort and my hope is that all the funds are delivered in a timely basis as other "promised" funds from certain nations have yet to be seen.

My excitement exists because I have had a few family members and friends die from AIDS.The disease itself is so devastating and tragic but what disturbs me most is the stigmatises attached to the disease. This disease is indiscriminate towards sex,race,religion or creed.I hope now that even more funds and resources will be found and used for its total eradication.

Let us all remember disease and sickness has no one owner.Have compassion!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Thanks for the comment. Its a song, but it really does relate to a lot of things in my life. I really like your blog and how it has the views on america. I just so happen to be an islander myself, cough cough, Rhode Island. Too bad I'm from the states.

Hasta Luego.

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008