The Forgotten!
Each and every day in the Western media there are constant detail reports of conflicts! Conflicts in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and Fatah,conflict between the U.S. troops and Iraqi insurgents and many other Middle Eastern, Israeli conflicts! I am often pained and amazed at what extent men will go to enforce their religious and political views onto others.
What even pains me more is that how the conflicts in Africa seem to be absent from the media.Why is this? There are ongoing civil wars and conflicts in Angola,Congo,Democratic Republic of Congo,Sudan,Burundi and Ethiopia/Eritrea just to name a few. The world jumped on the "ethnic cleansing" in Kosov but yet seem silent on the "tribal wars" in Africa.
As a "global villager" should I only be concerned about one part of the world and not the next. By the time the international communities step into the African conflicts,hundreds of thousands have already been killed and millions made refugees ( case and point Rawanda). Then we see the IMF and World Bank enter to offer so called relief.
I understand that the instability of the African nations is caused by corruption and lawlessness but aren't all these conflicts, Middle eastern and European included.The colonial powers have raped and robbed Africa of whatever resources they could,have put their support system in place under the guise of independence and left the continent to fend for itself without even a thank you.This indifference and racist attitude have greatly helped in ravaging Africa.
If you look closer and at all the angles,it seems more profitable, for the West, to keep Africa at war than it is in the Middle East.In the meantime hundreds of thousands are dying, millions made homeless and countless women and children being exploited.
I end with a quote from Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa:
" When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land.They said 'Let us pray'. We closed our eyes.When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land".
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