Monday, June 25, 2007

Artificial insemination

Yesterday on CBS' 60 minutes aired a story about artificial insemination but was concentrating on the sperm donation. A lesbian couple was profiled who had partaken in the process and they decided that they wanted to find out who the donor was. Apparently this info is stored on the Internet by an ID code.The donor can specify if he wanted to be reached.

A turn in the story was that they found out that a single mother who didn't live to far from them had used the same donor.So 60 minutes tracked the donor down.He was now a married doctor who had a child on the way.He said that he did it to help alleviate his tuition cost.The doctor said he had given over 100 samples.They also found other cases where one donor had fathered numerous children through sperm donation.

Watching this I didn't know what to think and it seems neither did the reporting.I have traditionalist views about child bearing.My views are shaped by my religious and social background.A child should be produced through intercourse with a father and mother.But every individual has their choice and I respect that.

I couldn't understand why I felt so indifferent,even after the donor said he won't be in the children's lives.I know through the traditional method many children still end up fatherless.So I understand that view.After further thinking about it, something dawned on me. All of us who had been conceived the natural way,as I put it, was done so with some human interactive emotion.

We were conceived between two people who felt either,passion,lust,anger,euphoria,happiness, revenge or some emotion, good or bad.And I think in a spiritual sort of way that has been imparted to us in our souls.Not to say that these children are soulless but just watching them I just couldn't feel no emotion.I don't know if that was done intentionally by the reporting or if my mind just automatically kicked into a biased mode but I just wasn't feeling it.

Whatever the future holds for these children only God knows.Science may have help in creating them but the universe must still watch over them!I wish them all the best.

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Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008