Monday, June 11, 2007

Paul you naughty boy!

On June 30th Paul Wolfowitz will officially step down as the president of the World Bank. Mr. Wolfowitz resigns under allegations of giving a generous and unauthorized pay incentive, and a promotion, to his companion Ms. Shaha Riza, a bank employee.

As Mr. Robert Zoellick, the newly appointed president is touring the world and trying to regain the confidence of the nations of the world ,Mr. Wolfowitz is blaming the media and the bank employees in aiding to force his resignation.

While Mr. Wolfowitz actions aren't unheard where I am from, you really don't expect it from the most elite bank. One of Mr. Paul Wolfowitz's objective as president was to wipe out corruption in countries who received aid from the World Bank. I guess it must not have applied to the bank itself.It truly isn't a big world after all!


Fleming said...

Eugene, I've discovered your blog because of a comment you left on my blog, and I just want to tell you that I'm pleased to meet you and will be reading more of your interesting posts. Geographically you provide a viewpoint that I haven't seen before in a blog.

I'll be responding to your comment on my blog. Thanks.

Fleming said...

P.S. Paul Wolfowitz is one of my favourite punching bags, which is why I put my first comment on this particular post.

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008