Tammy Faye Messner, the former Mrs. Tammy Faye Bakker has passed away at the age of 65 of colon cancer!Tammy Faye along with her husband Jim Bakker built a tele-evangelical empire in the 80's.It came apart in disgrace under claims of fraud and all kinds of criminal allegations.Her trademark,heavy makeup and the Bakker's lavish lifestyle was funded by them bilking millions of faithful supporters.
I try not to pontificate when I do entries,and definitely this is not one of the times.The story on one of the newsfeeds was followed by some mean spirited comments as well as some good one, as they always do.When this scandal took place I was a young boy but understand that the Bakkers had done one of the most heinous crimes imaginably in the Judeo-Christian world;using the name of God for profit.I remember my grandparents watching their PTL show religiously on Sundays( no pun intended) ,as it reached even our local Bahamian T.V. station.They might have even made a contribution.
Like the rest of the world I gloated when they were caught and smiled inside when on Sundays at my grandparents, the T.V., for that time slot, fell silent . I found out later that not only was I happy but also their colleagues were. They attacked their empire like vultures and shared the spoils. Tammy Faye got the courage to divorce Jim and Jim did some time.The Bakkers gave many if not all these tele-evangelists their start.Their lives a living testament to the do's and don'ts in tele-evangeling 101!My general view was good riddance and they deserve exactly what they got.
But then it was a secular show in a strange sort of way that changed my view about Tammy Faye and even Jim Bakker himself.After watching the Surreal Life and seeing Tammy Faye interact with her cast members eventually even becoming friends with Ron Jeremy,one had to be Attila the Hun not to forgive her for her transgressions.Not hearing from her in years and the Surreal Life putting her in the limelight,I went and read up on her via the trusty Internet.
Her life after PTL is one that is tragic as well as inspiring.She lived her life through the shame, disappointment and eventually cancer with her head up and holding firmly,it seems, in her faith.The Fall (as I call it) not only destroyed her but it altered the lives of her family,especially her children.You might not agree or even despise her religious views but one can admire her conviction to her faith in a age of wishy- washyness.When she gave a speech on the show ,I think it was at her book signing, it had an effect on all her fellow cast members.She basically said not to let fear rule your life.By the amount of people at the book signing and their comments, it showed me her life inspired others.At that moment, she earned my respect and received my forgiveness.
I grew up with Christian values and hold most of them true.One thing I believe in is that God does things for a purpose.Tammy and Jim Bakker's life and fall from grace is a testament.Don't mess with the Big Man's name for your glory. It is reserved for His.Also, that which He breaks, He can mend so that others may be healed.It is human to sin but divine to forgive.
Rest on Tammy Faye,my condolences to her family.
When life gives you lemons make lemonade! So true Tammy so true.