Monday, July 16, 2007

Hot Ghetto Mess!

There is a new show called Hot Ghetto Mess which is suppose to be aired on BET in the near future.It claims to be a show which will put a mirror up to the black community in America and help it to reevaluate itself. According to BET execs the show consist of viewer submitted videos and man-on-the- streets interviews.It has been reported that several sponsors have pulled out with out even viewing the show.

The show's concept is from a website with the same name , created by a black lawyer from Washington D.C. who is now a BET executive.

I have been to the website it doesn't hold a mirror to the black community it just puts a camera in it.The websites is full of photos of so called "ghetto" fashions.While I think some of these styles are ridiculous, why criticize, it surely doesn't help.This seems to be more of a fashion police website than anything.The creators throw in a few Martin Luther King JR. quotes and this is suppose to be the checkpoint.

I haven't viewed the show yet but if I had to make an assessment of the show just from the website ( the video section is You Tube on booty overload) I would run too if I was an advertiser.The sad part is, like myself alot of people will probably view it because of the controversy surrounding it even before it aired ( a win- win for BET execs) and we will see Black America once again exploited by her very own.Uppity blacks sorry, Afro Americans,against ghetto folks. Another way to conquer and divide.

I like the show's host Charlie Murphy so I hope the BET execs promise of the show exceeding the website is a truth.Dave Chappelle held a mirror to the Black community, I guess they are trying to ride of his success.Hope they are saddled in well!

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Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008