War and taxes!
There are some war opponents in the USA who have taken radical pay cuts in order to not pay taxes which has been attributed to building their war "machine". There are others, in the past, who refuse to pay taxes and have been jailed or heavily fined.Monies have been taken directly from their salaries or from their bank accounts.
While I am not anti or pro war,I believe that fighting and taking up arms is sometimes necessary to ensure tyrants and despotic rulers do not spread their disease of oppression.What I am pro about is the belief that a man must do everything within his powers to ensure that his family's needs are taken care of.If by taking these pay cuts , one's family suffer, especially children, that I do not agree with .The head of a household be it male or female has a duty to provide for their family.It isn't an option.
While it is a noble and bold gesture we should "render to Caesar what is Caesar's",besides freedom and liberty does come with a price.
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