Immigration is the act of settling into a new country to live permanently.While immigration in itself has helped to enhance the cultural texture of many countries,illegal immigration is a taxing problem for many others.
Illegal immigration is a much debated and hot button issue for a lot of countries.In the EU, where movement between borders has been eased,certain countries within the EU has resisted by imposing stricter regulation for such movements.In extreme cases such as The Dominican Republic where it has been alleged by a Human Rights Group, that Haitian immigrants are routinely rounded up, even killed.Their homes have been burned and children, grandchildren who are born in The DR have been denied any type of status.Right here in the Bahamas we have an influx of illegal Haitian immigrants.Risking their lives to come here.
Why do people migrate?A question I often have asked myself.Wars,political asylum,economic reasons,better jobs the list goes on. I seem to not understand( and it is because I am fortunate enough to be born in a somewhat stable country),how can one leave all that is familiar?Family, friends,environment,culture all that is familiar to one.Then I try to put myself in their shoes.What if I was persecuted, people around me tortured and killed?What if their wasn't enough to eat people starving and disease was rampant all around me?Would I flee?I really don't know.It would be a likely option.
From the standpoint of a citizen of a country,it is really a serious issue.People from poorer countries bring with them a lot of things.Disease, a criminal element, a lack of knowledge for the host countries',values and traditions.Citizens fear the lost of jobs,the strain on the countries resources such as health care and the general fear of being overrun with foreigners, a xenophobia.When you are anti-immigration you are usually labeled a racist or a softer term a nationalist.But shouldn't one want to protect its country and preserve it for future generation?The US has set up military style border patrol.Countries, such as Greece, have mined their waters.Certain EU countries have sent their military with full capabilities to man their borders.Then there are some practices which seem unfair to me as the "wet foot-dry foot" law that is implemented in South Florida.Where certain immigrants get privileged treatment.
I feel a country must protect its border.The freedom of movement of individuals from border to border is a pipe dream.As long as people have different languages,culture,values and traditions countries while try to limit this movement.Don't get me wrong I have no problem with legal immigrants it is the non documented immigrants I am concern about.People within your country who have no status but live amongst you, can be a powder keg.Eventually they will want status and the way they intend to get status,can become a national security issue.Politicians must stop playing games with the electorate and address the issue.We all as citizens of a country must come up with ways to deal it.It is not just a political issue, one to garner votes, its a national issue. Carefully constructed solutions must be brought to the table and implemented.
Illegal immigration will always be an issue for many countries. How you deal with it will be the true litmus test for most, in order for countries to protect their national identity and to survive.