Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Been down but up again!

Hello all I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkk!It has been awhile but I am up and about.Since I have been away O.J. has been arrested,Michael Vick has been arrested,George Bush has been arrested....wait that last one is a fantasy.But nothing has changed just the players are different.

Ciao for now and we will shoot the shiznick another time!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Down for awhile

For a time I will not be blogging as I am in the process of obtaining a new comp.will be back as soon as I am up and running.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Most of us have some job or another which consumes at least 8 hours of our day.Some of us are fortunate enough to actually like what we do and our occupation is a part of us that we cherish.On the other hand some of us despise our 9 to 5 and it is only a means to pay bills.

What is a "job"? One definition of a job is, a regular activity performed in exchange for payment, a trade or occupation.If this is the case why is it companies want to make you believe that it is more than that?Of course profits drive most companies to get the most activity out its employees for the least amount of payment that they can get away with.So it would serve an employee well to get the most amount of payment for the least amount of work. A balance must be struck between employer and employee.

Most occupations only need you for a time i.e. until a contracted task has been accomplished or until your time of retirement.The employer gets what they need.It should only stand to reason that an employee gets what he needs.Sadly though too many persons have put all their energy,time and focus into an employer's bottom line while neglecting theirs.Upon disengagement these person fell hurt of betrayed because everyone always believe that they should be handled with kid's gloves because of their service.

The sooner you realize that a job is only an exchange,the better your occupational experience will become.They get what they need and you get what you need. A job is only a means for you to secure the necessities of life which are taking care of your family,yourself and render under the governments what is theirs ( the filthy bastards).No more no less.A job isn't my family ,I have one of those at homes.Co-workers need not be friends although it helps in the cohesion of a working environment.Your boss doesn't even have to like you personally but make sure you are doing what you are paid to do.If I am under a supervisor it isn't my job to find work,no need I do his and my job.

All said and done their is no real glory in being an "office rat", so expect none.Be ruthless in your pursuit for your ability to expand your financial bottom line.Never invest all of yourself into someone else's quota.Give what is required and take what is needed.

Glory is reserved for the battlefield,payment is preferred in the office space.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Another day! Another adventure!One day the whole world will learn about them in my memoirs!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Time to search

Time to search the inner man and find out the mysteries of life!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

For men only!

Ladies this one is not for you!

Often I try to pass on some of my limited knowledge of the male/female interaction.Here is an insight into one of my thoughts on dating or rather the male /female experience.

I view dating through, the eyes of a man,like hunting.There are two types of hunters.There are those who hunt for sport and those who hunt to fulfill a basic human need of sustenance.

The first type of hunter practice their craft for trophies.The heads of lions,bears and boars on their mantles boast their egos.They are great conversation pieces.Only the best prey will do.This type of hunter spends huge sums of money on the latest equipment and gear so that they can collect their trophies.

The other type of hunter stalks and kill their prey because they need the animal for food and clothing.They use age old techniques and their equipment and gear is what is readily available in nature.Once the game is edible it is game.

We can equate that to dating.Some men look for trophy wives or girlfriends.They want beautiful women on their arms to boast their egos.They want to be the topic of conversation amongst family and friends.Men like these want it be known that they have a jewel of a woman.They spend huge sums of money grooming and courting trying to attract the object of their desire.

The other type of men want companionship.They want to fulfill the basic human needs of procreation and sexual gratification.They use age old techniques and are resourceful in trying to attract a mate for life.They look beyond the outer shell and their percentage of "interacting' with the female species is higher and more fulfilling.

I lean more towards the basic guy.We all are attracted to physical beauty but to me what really matters is that a woman has the potential to make me complete.

Men ,which hunter are you?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

View of Islam

Recently I have been reading articles that suggest Islam is a religion of terror.Extremist and the media have now made a once noble religion into one of intolerance and radicalism.As usually there is always two sides of a story.

A little history lesson.When Europe was experiencing the so called "Dark Ages" ,Islamic and Asian kingdoms where in there "Golden Ages".Places such as Cairo,Baghdad,Damascus,Timbuktu,where centers for science,technology and mathematics.European nobility often sent their offspring to Arabic institutions in places like Cordoba,the capital of Muslim Spain.It can almost be deduced that such events aided into Europe being ushered into the Renaissance Period.Arabic architecture can be seen throughout Europe and the very concept of college is an Islamic one.

As usual the vain ideals of men have lay ruined another great civilization.The spread of terror through religion is not a unique concept.Christendom during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition,used torture,murder and war to conquer and spread their beliefs.They were not spreading the message of Christ but rather expanding their territories and solidifying their power base.Islamic extremists have resort to the same kinds of acts to highlight their cause.

Men such as Mahmoud Ahamaddinejad because of their sect's interpretation of the Koran are seen as madmen and idiots when in fact he has a PhD. in transportation engineering and a Master of Science in civil engineering.Religious fervor overcomes intelligence.The Arabic word "jihad" an idiomatic expression which means "to struggle in the way of God" now means "Holy War".War is never holy.The radical beliefs have overshadowed the holy tenets of the religion and more and more people are becoming converts ,in my belief, attracted to the fanaticism.

Individuals throughout the Ages have used religion,not to enlighten but to enslave the hearts and minds of men and women.Faith is not about honoring an unforeseen God through your lifestyle. It is now about imposing man made doctrines on others through unholy means.

The image of God has become sodden because of the selfish means and hateful motives of religious carpetbaggers.It pleases me to know that God is not like man.And one day He will be revealed for the whole world to see in all His splendor and His Glory.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Is it ever too late to change?Change your attitude,daily routine, your way of thinking.If you believe that you are an ever evolving person with the aim to reach your highest potential,then no it is never too late to change.

One step at a time.One action at a time.You must try to remove those things from your life, from your psyche that limit your progress.Knowing what they are,eliminating them and make a turn around.

As always it is up to you.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Understanding women!

One of the most difficult thing for a man to do is understand women!We have sent astronauts to the far reaches of outer space,formulated scientific theories,invent amazing machines but knowledge of the female species eludes us.

From a Biblical point of view I have found out why men can't figure out women.When God was in his creating mode ,He made the earth and heavens.Next He created man and all living things.He even gave man the privilege of naming the animals thus man had an intimate knowledge of them.

But when he decided that man needed a helpmate,he put man into a deep sleep,took one of his rib,closed up the flesh and created woman.This time God chose to name His creation.While man was wide awake when all the other creatures where formed, he was fast asleep when God created women.He wasn't "given" the intimate knowledge of women ,he had to find that out for himself.

Women are beings that are a sweet mystery.But God ensured that man would not be complete without them.He could have made them from the dust like he made man but he chose to take a part of man and create his helpmate.The harmonic union of man and woman in any form , to me shows ,the completeness that is God.After all we were made in his image.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


In the US ,the strike that the United Auto Workers union (UAW) held against the auto company, General Motors has come to an end.A contract between the two groups has been proposed and awaits ratification.The deal includes a health care trust fund which takes care of retirees.

Health care always seems to be a hot button topic wherever you go.Here in the Bahamas much has been debated over a national health care plan. The pros and cons have been weighed and the jury is still out.My question is when did the health of a nation's citizens become so expensive?

A strong and vibrant country should have healthy citizens.Why have governments allowed greedy doctors,health care facilities,insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies to profit over people's illness and death.The immeasurable value of the human element has been reduced to nothing as governments have allowed these entities to hold nations at hostage.

Terrorists with needles and pills.Profiting of human death and misery.Medicine was once a noble profession.The healers of men.Now they are just a bunch of money grubbing,golf playing, know it all, whose only concern is their reputation and status ,never their patients.

Health care should never be an issue or something for politicians to play with and prick your ears with around election time. Health care should be affordable for everyone or in some cases free.It is the duty of any government to ensure the wellness and security of its people.In a democratic society we keep forgetting that we are the government.We should demand and expect more.

In the western world which boasts of prosperity and freedom,people should not be dying and suffering because of poor health care.We really need to analyze ourselves and ask the question; "How civilize are we really?"

Monday, September 24, 2007

Back to theory!

Man is made up of such a complex system ,why could it not be believable that the simple came from the complex rather than the reverse.It seems almost impossible that something came from nothing.Light comes from darkness.Thus something must be present.Life could not have just appeared.Ask yourself why?Why would life just appear?What reason?What purpose?

Science is described as the state of knowing.To not know the origin of something is not scientific.Darwin theory cannot be scientific if in fact the origin of his thesis is not known.Life had to had some start.Complexity cannot come about through randomness.Random acts are just that, random.Simplistic in all aspects.

But if an origin is know then a final destination can be determined.Man being created from a superior force is more scientific and makes more sense.Every other species evolve or rather transformed from the overall system that is man!

Makes more sense to me!

Here we go again!

Once again the US is issuing so much rhetoric over Iran and we are now hearing the whispers of war.You would think the media would have learned after Iraq and refuse to fuel the angst between the two nations. It seems two madmen flexing their muscles at the expense of millions of lives.Th US forces are already spread thin between Iraq and the forgotten Afghanistan.Why would you want to stretch it further?Maybe the leaders of Washington need to sit down and reread Sun Tzu "The Art of War" and reevaluate their objective and strategy.What they are doing goes against all military strategy.A recipe for defeat.

Truly Madness!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A start

The hardest part about accomplishing a task is to start.The start is often harder than the actual task itself.Once you build up the motivation to begin, the rest comes easier.Even though challenges may arise,starting is usually the biggest obstacle.

To live your life without never trying is a dismal life indeed!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a thought!

Sitting up last night I had a thought!I am not a firm believer in evolution. I am rooted in creationism.My thought on creation differs from other believers ( that is another topic).Suppose Darwin's concept was correct but his theory itself had a major flaw.Now I don't have any clear cut evidence this is just a hypothesis,something to think about.Darwin's theory of species evolving,maybe true but he may have had the order wrong.What if animals evolved from man!

Man being the original species and everything thereafter.In my finite thinking this would eliminate the need to find a missing link.

Just a thought!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dreams into reality

Everyday do one thing that turns your dreams into reality! Whatever it may be no matter how small just do it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hoping for more!

If you sit back and do not wish ,hope and plan for more success in your life ,how will you get it?I am not one to believe in all that metaphysical paranormal hocus pocus,but I have discovered something, if you believe that something will happen most of the time it will.God spoke the world into existence and if we are made in His likeness and image why can't we do the same?

A strange thing, rather an abnormal thing is happening to me in the last few days.I have thought about people I haven't seen in awhile and then later I actually meet them.I believe that is how powerful our mind and our connection with others is.If we could only harness our mind for positive things instead of living in fear and leading our beings into negative fields we would be a happier, more accomplished lot.

No matter what I am going to believe that the impossible can happen and dream the unthinkable.I guess that is what they call faith huh?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Winner !

Opposition leader Ernest Koroma has been declared the winner in Sierra Leone's presidential election.Now the real work begins!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Giving up for change

I have decided that some things I thought were pleasurable and essential are not worth the long term effects.Some things are just not made for you.We must analyze the things we want in life against what we really need.The problem is a lot of us cannot distinguish our needs from our wants.I have decided to do my best to live without these things.I rather give up personal short term freedom for a long lasting sound lifestyle.Life can get complicated because we add and do things that are not necessary.A simple life is good indeed.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone

The Opposition leader, Ernest Bai Koroma, leads the presidential runoff with half of the votes being counted.Under allegations of fraud from both parties, Koroma of the All People's Congress (APC) is ahead with 58.5% while Vice President Solomon Berewa of the ruling Sierra Leone People's party has (SLPP) has 41.5%.

With tension still building let us all pray that things continue to go well!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Patriot Act

From American football,the New England Patriots dubbed "America's team", has been suspected of cheating by the NFL.Apparently a video recording was found and confiscated of someone filming on the sidelines of The New York Jets on Sunday during their match with the Patriots. The person who filmed it is believed to associated with the Patriots. It is alleged that the filming was of the New York Jets defensive calls.Such acts are prohibited in the NFL.

No wonder they were Superbowl Champs three out of four years.They were possibly cheating.If this is America's team then what does this say about America?Let us see if the NFL will further investigate.

I see a conspiracy theory in the making!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


A moment of silence!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone's elections

All is calm as the recount continues!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Live is about taking chances and involves many risks.What would life be like without surprises.Things that are out of your normal routine,situations you are unprepared for.When such events occur you have two options .You can either shrink away or you can face the challenges head on.

Preparation for life's challenges involve one philosophy.At any given moment be willing to take chances.Many people feel unfulfilled in their relationships,jobs, generally in the direction that their life is going.When presented with opportunities to change their paths most of us choose not to.Most times the path to change involves moving from a comfort zone to uncharted territory.We become set in our discontentment and are fearful to take risks.Granted not all risks are worthwhile.Foolhardiness should be avoided but there is a level of risk ,when taken only improves our life and heads us closer to our full potential.

Fear not in times like these.Grab the bull by the horns and ride it toward success!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Feeling overwhelmed!

At time things can feel overwhelming.Your relationships,your work,your finances.It is good sometimes, to take a step back and take physical and mental deep breaths and try your best to think things through.When we are feeling bombarded with the pressures of life,we tend to make hasty and poor decisions which further plunge our lives into chaos.

Some questions you need to stop and ask yourself.Am I really doing everything possible to take full advantage of opportunities that present themselves?How will this affect me in the long term.?Am I prepared for the end results?What do I need to do or not to do in order for favorable results?Questions such as those you need not only to ask but honestly answer.Strip yourself bare and do not be coy.You can lie to others but never to yourself.

All of us are faced with situations which can cause tension and worry in our lives.It is how we deal with these situations that can either make us move to change for the positive or we sit and stew and allow things to impact our lives negatively.Only you can decide.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Update on Senator Larry Craig

The U.S. Senator from Idaho,Larry Craig who had announced his resignation over the sex scandal may not resign.He has hired a high powered lawyers to fight the charges because he said he thought he was pleading guilty to a misdemeanor.

The White House has made a statement saying that the situation was disappointing and his colleagues such as Republican senator John McCain said that he should resign.

I am not an American law expert.I am thinking though, if you plead guilty to a charge it is almost impossible to fight the case and get favourable results.Also he has announced that he will resign at the end of September.Politicians think it is their right to speak with forked tongues but hey ....come on.

You have to admit though Senator Craig is one tough old broad, fighting to the very end.!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Celebrating manhood!

I love being a man.I love sports ,beer and scantily clad women.When the rest of the world says I should cut off my penis and gorge out my testicles I say hell no!I don't want to get in touch with my feelings I like being rational and analytical.Testosterone was given to me for a purpose why shun it.I love the fact that in the Judeo-Christian world I have been given dominion over all things.Isn't that great.I am the boss!

I love the fact that feminists despise me and every "butch" lesbian want to be me.Being a black man I like the fact that I am the most imitated yet feared species on the planet.The fact that just a stare can make a woman uncomfortable gives me a sly pleasure.Guess who decides the sex of a child?Me, even if I don't take care of them ( it isn't right but hey its a fact).In order for a female to be considered strong she has to do what.......... act like a man.

As a man I am the symbol for strength and virility.My decisions and actions affect the entire world.The way I deal with my children can set their lives forever.What power!With this power though comes great responsibility.And I love the challenge!The traditional bread winner is what they call me.A hunter- gatherer.El hombre!

To all the men out there ,embrace the fact of being a man.You are going to get praises and condemnations for being who you are anyway!So be what God as made you to be .A no asking directions,never put the toilet seat down,sports loving,women ogling,alcohol consuming,conflict starting,glass ceiling creating,...... man!

Ever since I was a little boy I couldn't wait to become to man.I 'd be damn if I let anyway take away this pleasure!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone's elections

It appears that the wait for the run off election is not going smoothly in Sierra Leone.Clashes between rival party supporters have been reported and tension mounts as Sept 8 ,the date for the run off, approaches.The party leaders urged citizens to remain calm and the government has threatened to implement a state of emergency.

For the sake of peace in the region let us all pray that things do not escalate into total chaos.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rule of Law

The other day a friend of mine and myself was having a healthy argument about capital punishment,a polarizing topic .What was interesting was an exchange that we had.He was going on about how much faith he had in the law.My response was that you shouldn't put all your faith in the law because of its flaws.His reply was without the law what do we have?

Judging from his demeanour, I could tell he had stumped many opponents with this question.Without sounding haughty,it did not take long for me to answer him.Without rehearsal I answered "the morality of men".

Call me an idealist or a hopeless romantic but I believe that it is the morality of men,right and good conduct of men,that prevents the world from plunging into total chaos.

The law punishes crime.Isn't it much better to prevent a violation against mankind through good conduct?Morality stems form the inherent quality of love that exists in each and every man and woman.Some of us allow it to flourish while others quench it.

Let us not forget that it was through laws, segregation thrived in the southern United States and apartheid bloomed in South Africa.It was laws that aided Nazi Germany to dehumanize Jews.

It was not until men and women, inflamed with morality,fought against these evils.They opened the eyes of the world to these injustices. These pillars of degradation would have been intact if they had not stood up.

For every wrongdoing there is a punishment.I believe that.The law actually works after an offense.It should be more divine to prevent acts against humanity through our own moral gauges.

The law will not save us. It is the goodness of men that must be increased in order for us all to survive.A quote attributed to Edmund Burke says,"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."Something to think on and digest in these trying times.

Friday, August 31, 2007


Violence is described in one dictionary as"exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse".What is violence really and how does it affect you?Where does violence come from?From a Biblical standpoint one can make the argument that it started when two brothers, Cain and Abel, sons of Adam and Eve, were in competition for God's approval.Cain killed Abel and fled.From another standpoint violence was around in early man as he had to hunt for food and protect himself from wild beasts.

What produces violence?Some say anger,sexual dissatisfaction,lack of reasoning ,the media (video games, explicit music) ,lack of motherly bonding,pride and the list can go on.War is a form of violence that is acceptable by individuals as long as it is "humane".Defending yourself against would be assailants is a form of violence but is acceptable because we have the right in most instances to defend our self.The rule of Law is there to punish violence.There are not a lot of institutionalized systems to seriously prevent violence.Violence against children and woman are highlighted but what about violence in general?

Why does one feel the need to exert physical force so as to injure or abuse?Perhaps one of the most confusing human and natural phenomenon is violence.Storms and earthquake are violent and turbulent and can take lives.Can we then say violence is a natural aspect of life.Some animals hunt violently and through this the ecosystem is maintained.I dare say violence is a part of us.

Violence comes about through emotions or lack thereof.Violence is only materialized when we act on these emotions.Self control and restraint are the nemesis of violence.Love is a strong opponent.These must be taught,practiced and nurtured in order for violence to subside.Violence can never be totally wiped out but it can be brought to a low level.Violence is never acceptable but sometimes necessary.Violence is troubling because every human being has the potential in them to act violently.Writing this right now I see violence as mist something that you can see but never grasp with your hands.

Conflict and violence are all around us how we prevent it and deal with it will determine our survival.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good times!

It feels good when things are going your way.Try to make it last for as long as possible.Keep doing what makes things run smoothly.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dude you are soooo gay!

U.S. senator for Idaho, Larry Craig was caught in a sexual misconduct sting operation that was conducted in a men's bathroom in a Minneapolis airport.He pleaded guilty to the charges and one of the first things he utters is that he is not gay.

Reminiscent a la George Michael, an undercover officer was in a stall adjacent to Sen. Craig in the men's bathroom when the senator made lewd gestures indicating that he wanted to indulge in sexual activity.The last time I checked only "men" went to the men's bathroom. So conducting lewd gestures in that environment...... come on. A straight man would have never pleaded guilty to the allegations knowing quite well what it would do to me.I for one would have risked the sentence of the electric chair to defend against such allegations.

The senator a member of the Republican Party has voted along party lines when it came to issues dealing with homosexuality.Morality cannot be legislated.I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle but at the same time an adult should decide for themselves ,when it comes to their sexuality, what road they should take.Notice I said adult.Whatever floats your boat.

Finally a message to gentlemen such as Sen. Craig who want to engage in hot, gay sex in public places ,please for us straight guys, come out of the closet in the privacy of your own home, not in bathroom stalls.I really don't want to hear two silverbacks getting it on while I am taking a crap!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The view of America

How does an average person from another country view America?While I believe most Americans could care less, it should be something to consider in this every shrinking Global community.Living as close as 100 miles away from Florida and a resident of a sovereign nation how do I view the United States of America?Its policies concerning foreign nation,its citizens, its culture.

Being so close it is by no surprise that we are heavily influenced by American culture here in the Bahamas and the Caribbean at large.At the same token we have influenced them in many ways especially in the African American communities because a lot of them are of Caribbean descent.Therefore, especially in the south, Caribbean influence can be seen in their foods,music,traditions and even their speech.Often here people say you are listening to "American music" but I believe good music is universal no matter the origin.

The War in Iraq has changed many people views about America and its policy.There is a belief that the war was about securing oil but I have a view that it is more about a neo-conservative effort in the United States to exert dominance.Most in the US believed that they had gotten soft and 9/11 while tragic, was definitely a wake up call to protect themselves from fanaticism and religious extremists.I give the US no wrong for tighten up its borders and doing every effort to make its citizens safe.

Any nation who has been a world power ( Rome ,Britain,Spain, France etc.) has reserved the right to subjugate those outside their borders, to extend their borders.In other words the right to colonize.While others bemoan the US dominance ,they are only doing what was ever being done from the beginning of time.Arabs at one point wanted to spread their message throughout the world by sword and diplomacy.I for one hate to be under subjection but can you really defeat a world power?History has shown us that they have defeated themselves.

American society is obsess with celebrities on the point of absurdity.An actor ,who has no formal education in politics or diplomacy,can express views on worldly matters and be taken seriously.A person who makes their living on being someone else, i.e. deception ,can be taken seriously.Granted politicians have the same traits but gather your information for yourself and garner your own views.The obsession with celebrities I believe is the American way of imitating their former colonial master's way of googling over their royalty( Britain's royal family).America has turn court jesters into bonafide blue bloods!

The rhetoric from many world leaders is that the US is the world police and want to dominate the world.Given this same opportunity and if they were placed in the same position ,with military might and political influence,we would be uttering the same things about them.Don't be fooled the US is only doing what many nations which they could do or still be doing.

How do I view US?I view the US as a big brother.He pushes you around because he is bigger than you.He is more worldly and advance because has made many friends and some formidable enemies over the years.He believes that he automatically inherits everything because he is older that you.The good thing is he is my brother and I can think of a lot of other folks I would hate to be related to.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Molded Beauty

We have become a civilization obsess with beauty .It has come to the point where by there are millions of plastic surgery procedures each year.Plastic surgeons are becoming iconic and one of them has his own T.V. show.Some people are so dissatisfied with their looks that they have had numerous surgeries and most of us have seen the hideous results.Women, the number one partakers, are changing their features to look more and more feline.

People with birth defects and deformities I can understand wanting to go under the knife.But there are those who simply do not need it.Actors whose face and appearance are the tools of their trade are the main purveyors of this practice.And now the whole world believes that you must have a straighter nose,stronger chin line,slimmer waist.Exercise and healthy eating are out the door and liposuction has taken over.

For me it doesn't matter how beautiful you are on the outside.A pig in a suit is just that, a pig in a suit.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


This week I have had time to reflect on things in my life.It was a beautiful time.Looking into yourself and holding a mirror to your soul can be scary and at the same time liberating.

Once a little boy who thought he only had himself.A teenager confused and struggling to find his voice.Now a man becoming comfortable with himself.A person hoping to change the world for the better.

My life's journey has taken me down many roads,spiritually and emotionally.At times it has been a bumpy ride but nonetheless the ride continued.

My life has been good and will continue to be.Life is good not because of riches or fame.Life is good not because it has always been rosy and cheery.Life is good because I have lived it my way.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Good news!

Good news is always welcomed.Yesterday I got news that something that was hanging over my head had been removed.Another step towards achieving my goal.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Staying focus

One of the hardest things to do, sometimes, is staying focus.When a task is at hand or a goal is to be obtained,to stay zoned in can be hard.Life offers a lot of distractions and there are calamities which we have set in motion upon ourselves.Staying clearheaded so that we can make crisp, sharp decisions is often difficult.

One way to stay focus is to concentrate on the rewarding end results.If things are carefully laid out, successful end results should be given flesh.Quoting from a Robert Burns poem "the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry".Yes your plans may not flow smoothly but the end results can still come about as long as you are determined.

Another way is be realistic and work within your strengths and conquer your weaknesses.Work with the skills you have been given and try to develop skills that you don't have that may be needed to accomplish your goal.This takes an investment in yourself.The investment can take the form of educating yourself about your subject matter.It might be taking the time to step back and take stock.

Most of all don't be afraid to adapt and have plans A,B,C,D....etc.Use your time wisely because that is one of the things we can never get back.

It may be hard to stay focus but it isn't impossible.It takes a conscious effort on your part and remember to do what is best for you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Just an observation!

The other day I was watching a program which was recounting an event and I made an observation.It seems now that terrorists are the new bogeymen.Everything is being blamed on terror.The media has now become lazy and fearful to question the Governments in fear of being labeled.They no longer investigate but regurgitate whatever government censors tell them.It has become easier and patriotic to blame everything on terrorism.In the USA signs of a decaying infrastructure are everywhere.Bridges collapsing, levies giving way but it won't be soon until terrorism is used as a scapegoat for the agencies who are responsible for the upkeep of such structures.

What has not been done is scrutinize the origins of these groups and see where they really started.Who funded their earlier wars and armed them?I saw a piece on Sierra Leone about the rebels during their conflict and a statement was made that was meant to be ominous and dramatic but not entirely truthful.The claim was that the rebels sold diamonds to a certain terrorist organization for weapons.When anyway who followed the conflict knows that the rebels dealt directly with international arms dealers.Dealing with a terrorist organization would be dealing with a middlemen when you have a direct link right on your soil.The whole diamond industry help fund that war so that some guy far away could spend a month's salary to indulge his wife to be.

It is easier to blame the bogeyman than to come to grips with our own misgivings.Yes there are religious fundamentalist out there trying to instill terror and alter our way of life.But by government using tactics to increase our fears instead of making us ever vigilant,aids them.Keeping the masses in constant fear so that they could get away with whatever they want.Feeding us misinformation.It seems that the terrorists are right in our halls of democracy.They are helping these organization instill terror in us through their propaganda.

We should never let our guards down, and fight against anything or anyone, foreign or domestic that wants to impose their will upon us through terror.Any entity that wants to destroy our fundamental beliefs is an enemy.Any government that wants to rule in fear is tyrannical and should be resisted.It doesn't matter if they do not impose the fear directly.

One of the pillars of Western civilization constructed by the Greeks is "freedom".Can one be free by living in fear?Paraphrasing Franklin Roosevelt ,what we should be fearful about is fear itself.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Time out

Enjoying the solace and time alone. Getting to know me better.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hurricane Dean!

As Hurricane Dean sweeps through the Caribbean we pray for our brothers and sister there.Deaths have been reported but as any who lives in the hurricane belt like myself knows it is after the storm passes that is the most concern.Power outage,food,water and fuel shortage is the widespread impact of the storm.We pray for a quick recovery for those islands affected by the storm.We pray that those who were not affected give aid in which any way they can to those that were.For those families who have lost loved ones we pray for comfort and solace.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Update on Sierra Leone

It appears that a businessman who led the voting in the presidential election,has not secured the percentage of votes needed to avoid a runoff.Ernest Bai Koroma of the All People's Congress had 44% of the total while Solomon Berewa of the ruling party is in second with 38%.In order to secure a win 55% of the total is needed.

I hope everything goes well and stability comes to the country!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Never never land

"I will never........." some famous last words .People often say that they will never do this or never do that.While there are certain things persons are incapable of doing, we sometimes lapse and compromise our principles.In a moment of weakness, we give into our temptations and desires.This moment of lapse could potentially have dire consequences or it can simply remind us that we are human.We all make mistakes, but one of the hardest mistake for anyone with a conscience, is to go against what we have established as a principle.

The important thing is not to beat up yourself or abandon your ideals.We all make mistakes.It is important not to constantly make the same mistake and be careful of oaths we make before God and man.Be honest with yourself and know your frailties.Strive to not repeat the same blunders.Learn and move on.Until someone comes up with a time machine,we can't change the past.Let the past be a lesson learned for the present.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Time to think!

Every once in awhile a person needs a good amount of time alone.Time to reflect and think.Time to check yourself and plan for the future and give thanks for the present. Such a time has come for me and I will do my best to take full advantage of it.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


After reading an article about an infamous international arms dealer,it has solidified my views that the world is filled with hypocrisy.Hypocrisy is described as insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have( word

Just pick up a newspaper and you can see this.The problem is that people seem to forget or simply do not know of events that have happened up to this point.If you referenced the activities of today,whether be it wars,policies whatever,with yesterday,you would surely find full blown hypocrisy.Yesterday's allies have become today's enemies.The enemy haven't changed, what has changed is that now their activities are directed towards us.One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

The world is truly a crazy place!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another Day

Another day,another task,another step closer to accomplishing my goals.Each new day is a new opportunity to improve my life and my lifestyle.The constant strive for perfection begins one step at a time,one day at a time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A leader who leads.

What is a leader? A definition can be one who guides or leads or one who has followers.Amazing when we hear the word "leader" so many words come up . Charisma,intelligence,iron-will,fortitude,character,integrity,visionary are some of the key words we hear when the topic of leader comes up.The thing is a leader does not have to be posses any of these qualities.A positive leader who takes us closer to our perceived utopia may have these qualities but generally a leader doesn't.

Politicians are described as leaders and they are.They are leading people so they can get closer to their agendas.How else can one reach their destination by riding on other people's back?Jim Jones in Guyana was a leader he had followers.Gang bangers have leaders they call them OGs.The Mafia has its "capo di tutti capi" -boss of all bosses.Gandhi was a leader.Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement.Right here in the Bahamas Sir L.O. Pindling led the black masses. So what or rather who is a leader?

I like Napoleon's description of a leader.The former Emperor of France said -" A leader is a dealer in hope".All our great leaders have had their faults and have made many mistakes while leading.Many of them were not cultured ,refined or even highly educated.Why I mentioned the notorious leaders with the great ones to prove a point.The key quality that any leader must have is the ability to give people hope.Real or imagined.Winston Churchill was often described as not being a very good politician but he was a purveyor of hope for the British during World War 2.As the Nazi war machine descended upon England he gave the people hope that they would endure and they did.He led them towards his vision.

A dealer in hope need not be from the best bred families.He or she may not even be leading you to a good place. You follow because you have been taken in by their vision and you hope to see the promise land.His vision could be warped and perverted as well as it could be grand and ideal.A leader is not born, a leader is created.Created by his willingness to lead and honing his skills in getting people to follow.A leader can become a leader by a course of events but he has to dish up enough hope to make people believe that the events will end with his prescribed results.

Be careful who or what you follow you might end up in a place where you might not want to be!

Monday, August 13, 2007


Immigration is the act of settling into a new country to live permanently.While immigration in itself has helped to enhance the cultural texture of many countries,illegal immigration is a taxing problem for many others.

Illegal immigration is a much debated and hot button issue for a lot of countries.In the EU, where movement between borders has been eased,certain countries within the EU has resisted by imposing stricter regulation for such movements.In extreme cases such as The Dominican Republic where it has been alleged by a Human Rights Group, that Haitian immigrants are routinely rounded up, even killed.Their homes have been burned and children, grandchildren who are born in The DR have been denied any type of status.Right here in the Bahamas we have an influx of illegal Haitian immigrants.Risking their lives to come here.

Why do people migrate?A question I often have asked myself.Wars,political asylum,economic reasons,better jobs the list goes on. I seem to not understand( and it is because I am fortunate enough to be born in a somewhat stable country),how can one leave all that is familiar?Family, friends,environment,culture all that is familiar to one.Then I try to put myself in their shoes.What if I was persecuted, people around me tortured and killed?What if their wasn't enough to eat people starving and disease was rampant all around me?Would I flee?I really don't know.It would be a likely option.

From the standpoint of a citizen of a country,it is really a serious issue.People from poorer countries bring with them a lot of things.Disease, a criminal element, a lack of knowledge for the host countries',values and traditions.Citizens fear the lost of jobs,the strain on the countries resources such as health care and the general fear of being overrun with foreigners, a xenophobia.When you are anti-immigration you are usually labeled a racist or a softer term a nationalist.But shouldn't one want to protect its country and preserve it for future generation?The US has set up military style border patrol.Countries, such as Greece, have mined their waters.Certain EU countries have sent their military with full capabilities to man their borders.Then there are some practices which seem unfair to me as the "wet foot-dry foot" law that is implemented in South Florida.Where certain immigrants get privileged treatment.

I feel a country must protect its border.The freedom of movement of individuals from border to border is a pipe dream.As long as people have different languages,culture,values and traditions countries while try to limit this movement.Don't get me wrong I have no problem with legal immigrants it is the non documented immigrants I am concern about.People within your country who have no status but live amongst you, can be a powder keg.Eventually they will want status and the way they intend to get status,can become a national security issue.Politicians must stop playing games with the electorate and address the issue.We all as citizens of a country must come up with ways to deal it.It is not just a political issue, one to garner votes, its a national issue. Carefully constructed solutions must be brought to the table and implemented.

Illegal immigration will always be an issue for many countries. How you deal with it will be the true litmus test for most, in order for countries to protect their national identity and to survive.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sierra Leone

Today In Sierra Leone elections took place there in cities and villages.This was the first time voting had taken place since peacekeepers left the country two years ago.Sierra Leone was placed on the world stage because during its civil war children were used as soldiers,hacking off enemies' limbs was a standard practice and its leaders used diamonds to fund the bloody war.

It is the rainy season and heavy rains washed out some bridges yet citizens still sloshed through the mud to vote.So far everything is going smoothly and it appears that the country future hinges on these elections.

It is amazing to what great extent people will go through to cast their votes.In more stable countries such as mine,voting is taken on so casually where in other countries it is cherished and revered.Sierra Leone should be an example to us all in that freedom does come with a price.Our forefathers paid heavy prices and we should honour this by at least taking part in the process.

Granted I am cynical in my belief that it doesn't change much,politicians will always be what they are.I vote, because in a country where the minority once ruled the majority,it is my duty and honour to use the tool my forefathers fought so valiantly for.Honestly it is the one time when all of us feel as being a part of the "process".

To the people of Sierra Leone, I salute them in their quest to secure a better future for themselves and future generations.You have tried the gun and that didn't work now try the "X".

Friday, August 10, 2007


Its always good to have true friends!Friends you can count on.Friends who just lend an ear when you have a problem.They will give you sound advice because they want to see your well being.A true friend is more valuable than all the treasure and riches in the world.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The name is Bonds,Barry Bonds!

Barry Bonds has broken Hank Aaron home run record. As it stands today Bonds has 757 home runs.Amidst claims of steroid use by Bonds and the record being tainted he has broken the record.Steroids or not it has been broken and the world is still in the same state as it always was.There is still a war in Iraq,Africa still suffers and the environment is still being destroyed.

The President called and congratulated him.Bonds was a nice distraction from the war for awhile.Bud Selig was there when he tied it ,after everyone speculated he wouldn't be there.Hank Aaron said he wouldn't be there but he gave a message by jumbo tron. The controversy has helped.A distraction from the war , a boost for baseball.Love him or hate the accusations, people watched.They cheered and booed but they watched.They debated and speculated but they watched.

Slug on Bonds!Use that bat to save the hypocrites.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


For most people a life of loneliness is a reality that they live with day to day.Loneliness does not necessarily mean that you don't have anyone around you.It is when you have no connection to anyone.No emotional attachment.No one to really talk to and express your inner self without fear of dire consequences.Some people are surrounded by family and friends and yet still feel lonely.It is because the relationships forged are superficial and not rooted in trust,honesty and loyalty.

Often people attach themselves to one another because of a need.Most needs are not genuine and only profit one party involve.There is no meaning relationship formed when this occurs.

The first step that I believe one should take in combating loneliness is first transforming loneliness into" aloneliness". Time alone is spent valuable, when we analyze who we are.Our needs,wants,hopes and fears.Understanding ourselves before we expect others to understand us.Know thyself!

Then take self inventory.What we need to enforce within ourselves and what we need to get rid of.All of us know our good and bad habits,no one is perfect.But we should always make a conscious effort to allow the more positive aspects of ourself to outshine the negative.

Knowing that there is a power greater than you is another step.Your relationship with God ( or whatever you believe in) connects us to something larger than ourselves.If we have this knowledge then we realize that we are not alone.We are the sum of many parts.

Finally conquering your fear.Fear is a constant thing and is there whether we want it or not.You just cannot let it limit the way you live your life.Fear of rejection is why some of us do not connect to others.Overcome that with the realization that everyone won't like your company and some will.The most important thing is that "you" like your company.Self confidence attracts.Not a narcissistic attitude but one where you project yourself as being comfortable with who you are.

Above all enjoy life, each and every moment.You never get back the past so live for the present!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wake up!

Everyday I wake up is like another step closer to making my dreams into reality.

Wake up and live!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Blessed Emancipation Day Bahamas!

Emancipation is the freeing of someone from the control of another.On this day in the Bahamas, (the first Monday in August) we as a Black nation celebrate the emancipation of slaves, which took place August 1 ,1834 in the British Empire.No longer were slaves yoke to a white master, whose tyranny and cruelty have left us scarred even unto this day.

At times though it seems we have shaken off the shackles of one master and put around our hearts and minds the shackles of another. Self loath,ignorance,greed have become our new masters and are even more cruel than the first.These masters do not use the whip or the wine press to keep us in line.They use our lack of mental well being.Unforgiving and unrelenting ,they do not only punish, they destroy.

A proclamation from oneself is the only way to emancipate the mind and thought from this oppression.A proclamation that you as an individual, as member of a noble race,will do everything within your power to uplift your race,not destroy it.That you will help to erase the negative stereotypes of Africa's sons and daughters,not enforce it.The power of change can only and will only come from us and not from a sheet of paper or any other declaration, written or uttered.

As the late, great Sir Robert Nesta Marley said "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery;None but ourselves can free our minds." Only then can we redeemed

Sunday, August 5, 2007


An idea is defined as a specific thought or concept that exists in the mind as a result of mental activity.Ideas can turned out to be good or bad but this is never known until it has been manifested into reality.

I have found that my ideas come to me when I am about to go to sleep,when I am sleeping or in the midst of talking about a problem.Bringing the idea to life is the most challenging part and the most rewarding.It is like raising a child to adulthood,sometimes ideas take on a nature all of its own.Whatever the results are,an idea is uniquely human because it involves our thinking ability.

Ideas come from dreams,dreams from imagination,imagination from the soul.

Friday, August 3, 2007


This truly is a crazy ,crazy world.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Live and let live!A friend of mine had a scare.He went to the doctor and found out that he may have had prostate cancer.After going through some tests and agonizing over it, he found out the results coincidentally on his birthday, Friday past.The results were negative and so he had a " celebration party".It was good to see him not worrying.He said to me that even the sun seems brighter to him and he sees things in a new light.It was not a celebration of his birthday but it was a celebration of life!A lesson for us all.

Don't wait until you face tragedy,celebrate life today.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Media mesh!

Rupert Murdoch the media mogul has won a bid to buy the Dow Jones,the venerable independent financial daily run by the Bancroft family.In the Bahamas a similar thing is going on where two dailies have made a joint management agreement.Here in the Bahamas there is an outcry of a monopoly being created but only by a few individuals.

Deals such as these to me ,seem to weaken the "Fourth Estate".How can these media forms offer fresh unbiased opinions when one person writes their checks.In this age where public opinion is that the media has failed us all and has moved from giving us clear unbiased facts so that we can formulate opinions to trying to get us to think their way.

When will these situations,especially with Murdock be investigated.Aren't there anti monopoly laws in place?Or do they kick in after the fact that so many have been brainwash and an entire industry approaches near collapse because of the lack of competition.Something needs to be done before it is too late. We should not intrude on private business matters, but we must when it will greatly affect the general public in a negative way.A few should not make many suffer.

Wake up people!Organize!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Living in the past!

A lot of people tend to let their past dictate their present and structure their future.It makes no difference where they presently are in life because the past anchors them.For most of us it holds feelings of fear,doubt, hurt and misery.In some cases there is joy ,satisfaction, a feeling of self worth.No matter what the feelings are, the past should stay where it is, in the past. The future is not guaranteed the only thing that matters is what you have done now!

For so many people their cry is "if only I had this now" or "if this hadn't happen to me I would be here".When they get to the point they wished for they still can't appreciate it because they are always living in yesterday.Their eyes are clouded with the smoke of a past life blinding them to their bright present.So live today as if it was the best moment in time.Be grateful for what you have in your possession now. I may not be the world's smartest man but there is something that I know.

Now is the appointed time!

Monday, July 30, 2007

A truly great week!

(Sung to the Christmas tune "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year")

Its the most wonderful time of the year
With sharks that are biting
Blood and sharp teeth it will have you in fear
Its the most wonderful time of the year
Its the hap-happiest season of all
With predators preying and lot of maiming
I will have a ball
Its the hap-happiest season of all.

Yes folks it is "Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel.One of my favourite time of year (James Bond week a close second).I am fascinated by sharks and their predatory nature.An amazing fact that I learned last "Shark Week" was that some sharks are on the verge of extinction for being hunted too much out of fear for them.Imagine what that would do to the ecosystem.I am not much of a television watcher ( more of a movie guy) but I will try to catch as much of "Shark Week" as I can, I love it!

Which brings me to talking about my two other joys,the Internet and the Discovery Channel.Besides books the best ways to retrieve information.When I want to learn about document management,or about accounting software,or when I am looking for that 2nd mortgage the Internet is the place.When I want to learn about dirty jobs,the most deadliest catch or "Shark Week" ,the Discovery Channel.

When these two forms of media no longer exists then I know that western civilization has finally collapse!

Over at Ashwin’s blog, you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting! "

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Reality bites!

Recently I ranted about reality shows and their authenticity.Late last night I saw an episode of "Hogan's Knows Best" and there was a glimmer of reality that touched home.For those who aren't familiar with the show ,it is where cameras follow wrestler and entertainer Hulk Hogan and his family.The episode I saw showed where he and his wife were having problems and seriously considering divorce.

As always there where some theatrics,but the realism was when they went to a counselor and they aired out their problems.A lot of problems in a marriage are commonplace but that episode was like holding a mirror to it and the reflection was my relationship.As I watched in silence,every scene seemed to be taken from my life.The problems talked about,to the way they see each other was so similar and as my wife and I watched, I couldn't help to wonder what she was thinking .

It was like a show called "Our Marriage" ,Hogan and his wife were the cast and our day to day life the plot.If this episode was scripted they have done a good job.Watching I did not see them I saw my wife and I.Whatever the case may be it spoke to us.

My philosophy on most experiences in life is that I am not the first one to go through them and I won't be the last.This episode ,scripted or unrehearsed has shown me that. Unlike that episode though all won't be solved in half an hour.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Life just isn't fair!

Yesterday Atlanta Falcons quarterback,Michael Vick, pleaded not guilty to charges of animal cruelty.He was met by throngs of angry protesters who booed and jeered him.Obviously he has been found guilty in the court of public opinion even before the U.S. courts begin their trial.Animal activists have threatened to picket and boycott N.F.L. games if he is not dealt with.Keep in mind he has not been found guilty of anything yet.

On the other hand Lindsay Lohan was arrested again for DUI.She failed a sobriety test , she carjacked some dudes, kidnapped them, had them on a high speed chase,almost ran over her assistant's mother and then turn around and said it was the black kid who is driving.Car theft=federal offense;kidnapping=federal offense,attempted vehicular homicide=state and federal offense just to name a few.Was she greeted by protesters and angry people threatened to boycott any studios which produced any media format with her in it?No.Where is MADD and SADD?

Both things are despicable in my sight if they are found guilty of any of these charges but I assure you Lohan will get a slap on the rest while Vick's career will be over and
he will get the maximum penalty.Lohan's image will be enhanced as a "Bad Girl of Hollywood" and probably make more money,while Vick will be shamed , disgraced and financially ruined.

Lohan a potential killer of people,Vick a suspected killer of animals.One a lil white girl the other a big black surly man.I love animals as much as the next guy but human life is far more important to me.Shit I am a meat eater you have to kill animals for that.If racism isn't playing a part in all this then a bear doesn't shit in the woods.

White America like Common says in the his song "The People" ......"more concern about dogs and yoga".What a mad, sad state to be in.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thank you Lord

In all things, give thanks.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Man vs. Wild the survivalist show that airs on Discovery channel featuring former British special forces officer Bear Grylls has been busted for being fake!The survivalist shows concept is that Bear and his camera are dropped in the harshest of environments with a flint and knife and he goes about showing viewers how to actually survive conditions.

A British station that airs the show made claims that instead of roughing it out totally during each episode, Bear and his crew actually on more than one occasion stayed at a motel.Then the magic of editing set in and made it to appear that he was still "in the wild".

Being a testosterone filled male I have watched the show a few times.Even though I wondered how an island boy like me would ever get stranded in places like the icy plains of Iceland, I thought the survival info was worth knowing.Once again reality bites!

The wave of so called reality shows has come to the point of ridiculous.Real life isn't that exciting all the time.Reality shows are pumped at as because it saves alot of production companies money by not having to pay writers but still collecting the same amount of advertisers' dollars.To air a show that writes itself.

I guess Bear Grylls found out the truth,real life isn't that easy.In order to entertain you have to use some theatrics.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What next!

Every time you turn around there is some health report of what is good and bad for you. A recent report is now saying that diet soda isn't good for you!What next!Vegetables and fruits.....ohh I forgot they aren't good for you because some companies uses pesticides in their growth process.


One minute chocolate was bad now it is good then bad again!Food is like a comic book heroe who turns bad and good as the series goes on.It seems these health experts are really not that trustworthy if they can't make up their minds about what we should eat.I never was one for people telling me what to do.I rarely listen to so called experts because they are usually experts paid and bought by lobbyists.

In this world with ever increasing choices someone is always trying to steer you towards their choice.And that what this is really all about.We know generally which foods are bad for us especially if you are like me, a person who has been fighting the "Battle of the Bulge" all their life.But this is getting ridiculous.

As for me I will eat and drink as I see fit.The real key that I have found is moderation and exercise.Basically that is the key to healthy living!

Monday, July 23, 2007

The week ahead

This week feels like it !This will be the week when it all comes together and my plans come to fruition.I feel good even though I ended on a bad note last week.Today is a fresh start one step closer to coming full circle!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Death of an angel.

Tammy Faye Messner, the former Mrs. Tammy Faye Bakker has passed away at the age of 65 of colon cancer!Tammy Faye along with her husband Jim Bakker built a tele-evangelical empire in the 80's.It came apart in disgrace under claims of fraud and all kinds of criminal allegations.Her trademark,heavy makeup and the Bakker's lavish lifestyle was funded by them bilking millions of faithful supporters.

I try not to pontificate when I do entries,and definitely this is not one of the times.The story on one of the newsfeeds was followed by some mean spirited comments as well as some good one, as they always do.When this scandal took place I was a young boy but understand that the Bakkers had done one of the most heinous crimes imaginably in the Judeo-Christian world;using the name of God for profit.I remember my grandparents watching their PTL show religiously on Sundays( no pun intended) ,as it reached even our local Bahamian T.V. station.They might have even made a contribution.

Like the rest of the world I gloated when they were caught and smiled inside when on Sundays at my grandparents, the T.V., for that time slot, fell silent . I found out later that not only was I happy but also their colleagues were. They attacked their empire like vultures and shared the spoils. Tammy Faye got the courage to divorce Jim and Jim did some time.The Bakkers gave many if not all these tele-evangelists their start.Their lives a living testament to the do's and don'ts in tele-evangeling 101!My general view was good riddance and they deserve exactly what they got.

But then it was a secular show in a strange sort of way that changed my view about Tammy Faye and even Jim Bakker himself.After watching the Surreal Life and seeing Tammy Faye interact with her cast members eventually even becoming friends with Ron Jeremy,one had to be Attila the Hun not to forgive her for her transgressions.Not hearing from her in years and the Surreal Life putting her in the limelight,I went and read up on her via the trusty Internet.

Her life after PTL is one that is tragic as well as inspiring.She lived her life through the shame, disappointment and eventually cancer with her head up and holding firmly,it seems, in her faith.The Fall (as I call it) not only destroyed her but it altered the lives of her family,especially her children.You might not agree or even despise her religious views but one can admire her conviction to her faith in a age of wishy- washyness.When she gave a speech on the show ,I think it was at her book signing, it had an effect on all her fellow cast members.She basically said not to let fear rule your life.By the amount of people at the book signing and their comments, it showed me her life inspired others.At that moment, she earned my respect and received my forgiveness.

I grew up with Christian values and hold most of them true.One thing I believe in is that God does things for a purpose.Tammy and Jim Bakker's life and fall from grace is a testament.Don't mess with the Big Man's name for your glory. It is reserved for His.Also, that which He breaks, He can mend so that others may be healed.It is human to sin but divine to forgive.

Rest on Tammy Faye,my condolences to her family.

When life gives you lemons make lemonade! So true Tammy so true.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Staying out of trouble

It is sad when in a society our youth must take part in extracurricular activities just in order to keep them out of trouble.Parents and guardians have plunged their children into these activities, whether it be arts or sports so that these kids are not delinquent.There was a time when kids partake in these activities to further develop talents that they had.Now they are just truancy programmes.

During my youth I never took part in these camps and clubs and I never got into any serious problems ( adulthood was a different story).A fist fight here and there,stealing fruits of a neighbor tree but that was it.There were many other boys like me.But nowadays it seemed like the youth want to be hardened criminals before they reach 18.

Where does the fault lie? How do we solve it?Are parents at fault?Is society so malfunctioned that our youth follow suit?Where ever the fault lie I know the solution is not a simple one and it must be a conscience,collective effort.Keeping them busy won't do it.Where there is a will there is a way.We must kill the will.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A higher population

For years growing up in the ghetto I have heard that drugs were bad.Now everyday I turn on my T.V. I see an ad for a new drug to relieve some type of pain. The ads then tell you of all kind of side effects.Replacing one discomfort for another.So what is the different between illicit drugs and these? Drugs such as cocaine,heroin,valium xanax are all man made drugs which are being used by the medical profession.

Alcohol and tobacco have killed more than most of these drugs combine but yet is still legal.Marijuana is still criminalized even though it is a natural substance and been found to have many medicinal purpose.The cries that today's marijuana ( even the term marijuana itself is a racist term geared toward Hispanics "1937 Marihuana State Tax") is more potent than yesterday, for me, falls on deaf ears.

These pharmaceutical drugs are being constantly being recalled for some adverse affect they cause.Governments are not investigating if these companies knowingly put these drugs on the market with the adverse affects but yet will spend millions and millions of dollars to incarcerate a drug user.Why not spend this money on rehabilitating the user or prosecuting these companies? I saw a pamphlet of a list of pharmaceutical drugs and the list seemed endless.

These companies are the legal "Pablo Escobars" and should be grouped as "Cartels".Granted some of these drugs are very helpful but I think these companies are going too far.When since do I need a drug for restless legs,my goodness just rest your legs.I am not a fan of illegal or legal drugs because I have seen what abuse of them could do.But don't lie to me and tell me one is bad, the other good when you know it is the exact opposite.

You know what it is,whose pockets the profits stays in.If it is in the elite pockets,good, the not so elite,bad.We won't even begin to speak on where and who most of these companies test these drugs on that's another criminal topic.Shameful.Lies have become truths.What message are we sending kids?Any discomfort you feel just take drugs.

Better living through chemicals!The harmful store bought kind!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just a thought!

Sometimes life can get in a rut.Home ,work,home work.A change of environment will give a new perspective of where you are and possibly where you are going.Taking a different route to work can make a difference.Being at a standstill in life is depressing but it is up to you to make the change to reach your full potential!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rumour and Urban myths!

On May 2 2007,fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show to officially debunk a rumour that said he had made racist statements on an earlier Oprah show.Oprah herself said it was false and that Hilfiger had never appeared on her show until that point.The statement was claimed to be made about Blacks and Asians.

I am not one who is sympathetic toward fashion designers because most of them take part in sweatshop practices but this is an interesting development.Hilfiger has appeared because it is obvious that this rumour has had a negative impact on his image and sales.The two most important things to any designer, looks and money.

The situation to me has a positive and negative aspect.It shows that to truly protest in America the use of economic warfare is an effective method."Withhold your dollars, make em holla".The downside is that a rumour can destroy a person reputation and livelihood.It was probably started by a competitor who is either too lazy or not innovative enough to compete with Hilfiger.Decreasing Hilfiger's market share increases theirs. A despicable way to earn profits but so is running sweat shops with no union representation and poor working conditions.

Maybe I need to start a rumour that Eugene is rich and has lots of cars.I might get to appear on Oprah to debunk the myth.Worth thinking about.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Hot Ghetto Mess!

There is a new show called Hot Ghetto Mess which is suppose to be aired on BET in the near future.It claims to be a show which will put a mirror up to the black community in America and help it to reevaluate itself. According to BET execs the show consist of viewer submitted videos and man-on-the- streets interviews.It has been reported that several sponsors have pulled out with out even viewing the show.

The show's concept is from a website with the same name , created by a black lawyer from Washington D.C. who is now a BET executive.

I have been to the website it doesn't hold a mirror to the black community it just puts a camera in it.The websites is full of photos of so called "ghetto" fashions.While I think some of these styles are ridiculous, why criticize, it surely doesn't help.This seems to be more of a fashion police website than anything.The creators throw in a few Martin Luther King JR. quotes and this is suppose to be the checkpoint.

I haven't viewed the show yet but if I had to make an assessment of the show just from the website ( the video section is You Tube on booty overload) I would run too if I was an advertiser.The sad part is, like myself alot of people will probably view it because of the controversy surrounding it even before it aired ( a win- win for BET execs) and we will see Black America once again exploited by her very own.Uppity blacks sorry, Afro Americans,against ghetto folks. Another way to conquer and divide.

I like the show's host Charlie Murphy so I hope the BET execs promise of the show exceeding the website is a truth.Dave Chappelle held a mirror to the Black community, I guess they are trying to ride of his success.Hope they are saddled in well!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Just a thought!

No matter what you do in life someone is always disappointed in you.The people in your life have expectations of what your life should be like .If you try to live up to their expectations you never seem to please them.Parents especially are guilty of this and so many kids are discontented and rebellious.It is natural for parents to want what is best for the kids but a person must, for themselves, figure out what is best for them at some point in their lives.

You should never have to live your life walking in someone else shoe or living in someone else shadow.For some of us this is ideal so that when things mess up, we have someone to blame.What really happens is that you find out you have wasted precious time accomplishing nothing and being miserable.

Be realistic with your goals and your dreams . Whatever you do try to live a life where you have made a positive impact on society,no matter how small.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hoorah for New Jesey!

Miss New Jersey won the decision to keep her beauty crown after someone attempted to blackmail her with "inappropriate" photos she had taken in the past.

Who cares.

America is at war,flooding and disaster everywhere,Africa is constantly at war,crimes are being committed,human beings are triumphing over insurmountable circumstances and this the best the media houses could do.

If you want to take the viewing public's mind of catastrophes come with something better than a story about beauty queen moments of minor indiscretions.

Besides the photos weren't even nude.Go figure.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just a thought!

Why is it that what consumes us can destroy us?Sometimes our desires are all that we can see and want and everything around us is a blur.We want something so bad and most of what we want is not good for us.The pleasure,whether it be for a moment or an eternity is what drives us.It is what makes us take chances.It is what makes us risk ourselves so that that part of the brain which experience pleasure can be subsided.We numb ourselves to the consequences at that one moment.But it is still there gnawing at us,pricking our conscience.The physical want to be pleased, overcomes all the sense and for that time etched in the universe,the want is our master.Enslaving the need to survive,the need to be trusted and respected.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Execution for bribes!

Recently the Western World fears have been heightened by the discovery of tainted products, ranging from toys to toothpaste, that were imported from China.One of the Chinese officials first reactions after investigating the problem,was to execute the former head of the State Food and Drug Administration Zheng Xiaoyu.It was found that he had accepted $850,000 in bribes so that companies could register their products without doing necessary checks.

The results was dog food tainted with the toxic substance melamine,toothpaste with toxins as well as other products found to contain toxic materials.Chinese toothpaste has been banned and pulled of shelves in Panama and the Dominican Republic.China exporting revenue has been threatened and officials there have began a serious crackdown on food and export products safety.

What a drastic, cold and chilling concept; execute officials who accept bribes.Enron could have used some of this "Chinese Justice" as well as countries in the Caribbean,Africa and Latin America.Instead of sending them to medium to minimum security "golf course jails", execute them if by taking bribes they have cause the public health and safety to be compromise.I doubt if we in the West could handle such a concept, but it is something to think about.

When much has been given, more is required.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Bahamas

Happy Independence day Bahamas!

Monday, July 9, 2007


The other day, a junior coworker of mind asked me a heavy loaded question.He asked how I felt that I now had to answer to my supervisor who was once my peer?Figuring he wanted to start some strife and knowing the type of egotistical person that he has become I thought briefly before I answered.

My answer was, that first, I don't have a ego when it comes to that sort of thing.This particular job didn't define who I am.Secondly what separated me from my peer was that he was willing to do,without question,what the higher ups wanted and I wasn't. That was why he was promoted and I wasn't considered.Thirdly I was there to provide for myself and my family,nothing more nothing less.And last I really didn't want the responsibility of dealing with jackasses like himself.

The conservation ended and it dawned on me that we as men really have big egos.If Albert Einstein was our boss we would have a problem with him." Ohhh he thinks he knows everything". If the inventor of our equipment was our super we would have a problem." I know I could have designed something better than that."

Having confidence and being egocentric is two different things. Confidence, other people can see in you and will earn you respect.Egocentricity, only you can see in you and everyone thinks you are an idiot.Confidence is natural while egocentricity is superficial.

I live my life according to what I believe is right and refuse to let an ego get in the way of enjoying the human experience!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

House repairs

Have to do some home repairs today.The life of a alpha male never ends!

Friday, July 6, 2007


At some point in a person's life,we reach a crossroad. A point in one's life where we must make a decision that will probably alter the course of our lives, perhaps forever.We can make our decision based on several factors. Many people make theirs because of heavy peer pressure, culture influence, weakness, fear,or just common sense.But if you carefully analyze the choice of your life's journey, it is based on you.You still have the final say no matter how insignificant the moment is.Outside stimuli might pushed you towards your decision but taking the first step is still in your hands in most cases.

Everyone has been at a crossroad or many crossroads in their lives.For me it came one day as I was locked up and was about to face either jail time,incarceration in a mental institution or both.

Growing up I had positive influences in my life but at the same time negative ones. My habits and thought process seemed to be genetically encoded in me , handed down from generation to generation.I was taught to do good but somehow always drifted towards that dark part of myself.The part that just doesn't give a shit.The part that wanted to do whatever I felt like doing.

But then that crossroad came!A decision had to be made to either keep going down the road I was heading and suffer the consequences,or try to live another way.Change is inevitable and hard.Change is necessary.Change is growth.That is what happen then and there without knowing what would come out of the situation,I chose to live better.

It is a constant struggle for me.And there are days that I feel bloodied and battered but never defeated.This is a constant.Until the day I stop breathing my intention is to experience as much positive and fulfilling experiences as possible.Bad things do happen and you have to just be equip to deal with them.

Your choices and decisions do affect you!

Anup Shah, US and Foreign Aid Assistance,, Last updated: Sunday, April 27, 2008